Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Busy but really really good weekend!

It was a long hot day Saturday for us! Friday afternoon Mike came over and we took Squirt to his FIRST theater movie!!! We saw Ice Age in 3D. Squirt did pretty good and only made two bathroom trips. I nearlly fell on the floor in the dark trying to get back the first time. Squirt also didn't like the glasses so didn't get the WHOLE 3D experience. Mike hung out for a bit before heading to Rocklahoma, a four day 80's rock festival in town. He had a VIP ticket.
The next morning Squirt and I got up and left at 9 to head to Eureka Springs, Ark. with the Young Adult Sunday School Class to see The Great Passion Play and the Living Bible Tour along with other museums and a dinner theater on site. It was a two hour drive and Squirt stayed awake the whole way. The countryside really is beautiful! We got there around lunch time and grabbed a quick snack before going on the Living Bible Tour. It was really hot but was really interesting. We all enjoyed cooling down in the dinosaur/creation museum there, which I found very interesting. They served us a really good dinner and had great entertainment from a group called The Texans!
The Great Passion Play started at 8:30 and is currently in their 41st year. It was a really good play but I didn't get to see all of it. Squirt had his gut full so for the last half or so we sat in the truck. He wouldn't fall asleep though until Papa got in the truck... we didn't get 10 feet and he was OUT!
It was a 2.5 hour drive back in the dark! Mike's TV busted and there was a UFC fight Saturday... I'm a great girlfriend!!! I gave him a key to the house and let him order it on my TV! He was waiting on my when I got back to my house!

This was Christ of the Ozarks. From what I understand each arm can hold a suspended vehicle!

You can kind of see just how large this statue is.

Living Bible Tour and Dinosaur Museum

This weekend prooved to be a full one around our house. The young adults Sunday School class planned a trip to see The Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs, Ark. The site has a full day of tours and events. The country side is very pretty as well. I can't wait to go back!

Squirt let Uncle Bubba get out of his site for a bit but quickly found him. He was pretty much glued to Uncle Bubba the whole day.

He's a photographer's boy and likes to pose with his Grandma and Papa too though!!

Part of the Living Bible Tour. Even though it was very hot this was pretty neat. Apparently the tour used to be bigger. The recent ice storms forced some of the stops in the tour to be cut out because of damage.

Squirt really liked the Dinousar/Creation museum. I thought it was pretty cool too. And it was air conditioned!!!!

This guy was awesome! He spoke of the parables of a shepherd. He really had Squirt's attention as he spoke how a shepherd takes care of his flock each and every one just as Jesus does.

Eureka a big pink flower!

I loved the flowers on a recent trip to Eureka Springs, Ark. I can't wait to go back. Mike and I are talking about taking a trip Labor Day weekend. We'll see how things play out!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Watching the clouds

Mother Nature has teased us lately with the rain. We've only gotten enough to stop the dust from flying for 30 minutes or so. The clouds were pretty cool this morning though.

More fireworks!

Even though I was a bit leary about fireworks after being shot in the eye Friday. My brother and cousin from the other side of the family shot fireworks on Saturday.

Squirt, ready to watch the show.

Most of the rest of the audience.

Half the show and my cousin trying to get it organized.

My brother lighting a few day fireworks that he had left.

Throwing a firework after lighting it... gotta love the farmer's tan line BUB!!!

Squirt wasn't much on doing the fireworks himself.

Part of the show


I took this photo with my iphone but I thought it looked pretty neat. My family is big fans of the card game Nertz! I've not run into anyone else that plays this outside of my family but I'm sure it's not a game we made up! It is fast and it's fun!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Slip N Sliding Grandma!!

My grandma bought Squirt a Slip N Slide for his birthday last month. We had yet to open it up and try it out till Saturday. My cousin helped set it up and the boys had a blast. My cousin would take and slide Squirt both directions down the Slip N Slide.

Anything with water and my son's hooked! He wanted his Great-Grandma to join in the fun! Squirt would run up to the end of the Slip N Slide like his older cousin. But, instead of just sliding down way, Squirt would stop short drop to his knees and crawl down the tarp. This was the reason, my cousin was helping him really slide.

Great Grandma said she was going to be like Squirt. She came to a complete stop at the end of the Slip N Slide.... But watch out that next step really is a doozy!!!!!!

We all held our breath making sure Great-Grandma wasnt hurt....

But she came up laughing.

So we all wound up laughing. Gotta Love Great-Grandma getting right in the fun!!!!!

Fireworks Friday night!

My cousin shot off fireworks Friday night. I set up my tripod and tried my luck at capturing some of the images.

My brother helped set some of them off. They had A LOT!

I liked the ghost effect!

This one was just before I got hit in the eye! Yep! One firework malfunctioned and I was hit in the eye! It still looks pretty gross but seems to be healing well. It burned right up next to the bridge of my nose. I was sitting in a chair a good safe distance away but didn't have much time to react. I quickly removed my contact and within 20 minutes or so I could feel the burning so Squirt and I didn't stay for a lot of the show. I haven't worn my contacts since Friday and it feels funny wearing glasses. I'll be ready to have my contacts back!

Guess I've been pretty lucky in the last six weeks. Rolled the four wheeler with my son and neither one of us was hurt. I get hit in the eye with a fireworks with only a minor burn. Why can't I get the right lottery numbers?


My dad's family is a big family. My grandpa is one of 13 kids. They all have pretty good size families as well. My grandpa is the oldest and there are now 20 grandkids and 9 great-grandkids in his family.
The family gets together every two years and has for the last 30.

Even with the relatives, Squirt flocks to the girls! He had their attention, especially after he dropped the egg they were admiring. Poor baby bird! My boy, ALL BOY!!!

We had a talent night and each of the 13 families got an opportuity to present some sort of talent. One family requested some of the young/newly married couples up for a friendly compeition. The couple's inside hands were taped together and they could only use their outside hands to wrap a present.

There are several in the family with the photo bug. We kinda looked a bit like a mini papparatzi.

Mini Golfing!

We had an exciting weekend! Mine started Thursday evening. I took off work early and asked my parents to babysit Squirt all night. I left straight from work to head to Mike's. He wanted me to clean up his computer a little. He also let me shave his head!!! Something about a bald man that seems so sexy to me!
He took me to dinner at Napolis. I'm not a big Italian fan but man they have good lasanga! We decided we'd try mini golfing. We uh "tied." We didn't keep official score after the first hole. We had a good time. We grabbed movies and headed back to his place. I had the best time in a long time! I really enjoy his company and think it's awesome that Squirt seems to get along with him and Mike's not annoyed by a 3 year old boy that's full of energy and orneriness!