Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm LOSING!!!!


This photo was taken the first week in April at a photography meet up by Tracy Howell Photography.
I really like this one taken by Native View Photography.
This is a Iphone photo I took in mid May just before I started the diet I'm on.
New 'do and the last weekend in May

7/22/10 - 21.5 pounds, one pant size and one bra size smaller!!!!
I'm sure the transformation doesn't appear significant to anyone else, but I can feel it.
I kinda want a new profile photo done now. Hmmmm now how to find a photographer.....

This was my senior prom - cough cough 12 years ago!
I've started the "Couch to 5K" running program and this prom photo is my inspiration.

21.5 pounds gone!!! 100 to go!!

Summer Fun

My son LOVES the water! He loves to swim and play and he'd do it year round if I'd let him!
When I was growing up I was spoiled. My grandparents had an in-ground pool, complete with diving board and slide. I didn't have to hunt out the swimming holes. Cost of upkeep and my grandfather's health put an end to that. They were forced to fill in the pool.
Squirt have found excellent places to swim though. We've hit the lake, though not my favorite places. Something about swimming 25 years in a chlorinated pool and then swimming in a murky lake. Not that we didn't swim in the lake while have the access to the pool, it's just different. Probably because I'm getting older.
We've hit the local public pool. Uncle Bubba also bought a pretty good sized soft side to have at my parents house.
Squirt's favorite place by far is Blue Hole.
Blue Hole is an excellent redneck swimming hole. In some ways it's better than a pool. WHY? Cause when Oklahoma July/August roles around and it's flipping 100 and heat index is 120, neighborhood pools start to become bathwater. Blue hole, though stays cold!
It's naturally spring fed. Some parts of the "creek" get pretty deep, I can't touch.
Yep we're still swimming with the fishies... But you can see them. Little minnows swim around your feet. You can see your feet for a really good depth too.

Squirt and I talked Grandma into joining us. Squirt had a blast making sure grandma stayed cool!

Even with the cool water, you gotta stay hydrated on a hot day!

Ring Bearer Round One

Squirt had round one of two as a ring bearer a few weeks ago. He did great!!
He was so handsome, I was a pretty proud momma!

I HAD to take photos.... even if I wasn't the "official" photographer!

He walked in with the "big boys." Just before they opened the door to come out from basically behind the piano, we hear a pretty loud knock. I knew right away that it was Squirt and was a little worried about him doing what he was supposed to do, standing still and not being the center of attention.
He really did do good.
The bride and groom left for another state right after the wedding. The groom's job took him that direction.
I wish them the best of luck in their new adventure!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Firecrackers and fun times on the lake

We spent the afternoon and evening of the 4th on the lake. Squirt and I went tubing for a bit and just enjoyed being out on the lake even if it was nearly too windy to be doing so.

Squirt and Uncle Bubba hung out on the boat while we waited for dark and the fireworks to start. We had a few people that we don't get the pleasure of spending time with join us. We didn't see a lot of the fireworks from our view point but we had some pretty good conversation.

4th Sunday

The Fourth of July fell on a Sunday this year. I’m sure several used the excuse to play hooky and church. Our church service honored those that had served and those continuing to serve to allow us to worship and live freely.
We even welcomed one of our own home from a tour. A young man I’ve known my whole life. I was so glad he was able to make it back to celebrate with us. He’d been serving in Japan and was able to have leave and return to the states during the holiday which we celebrate freedom. He should be home at his new station in California this evening.
Church members presented photos and other memorabilia to honor the service men and women. Instead of rushing home to gather up the necessities and heading to the area lake or celebrate a private meal, the members brought in homemade desserts to add to the fried chicken dinner.

Friday, July 9, 2010


I had the pleasure of photographing a cousins wedding. They are a wonderful couple and their lives will center around Christ which will make their relationship that much stronger. They are obviously in love and their happiness showed through the entire affair. They were married outdoors at a historic site in the area. It was gorgeous even if a little warm!

A Cherokee Courthouse is being restored on the property and the original well house which is fed by a naturally spring fed creek has already been restored.
Good Luck in your marriage, Kyle and Ashley!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Chasing rainbows

The weather lately has been really crazy. Last month was HOT!!! This month its cool and WET! I actually turned my AC off the other night and have yet to turn it back on.
A week and a half ago it rain quite a bit on evening. On my way home from my parents the clouds parted and the sun was bright, but on it's way to setting fast. I chased this rainbow. I failed to get it at it's brightest.
There's something really comforting and refreshing about witnessing a rainbow.

The little man and the pot of gold wasn't to be found..... damnit
Really wish I could have gotten to this part of town faster, the rainbow faded just as fast as it appeared. It was a full, bright and broad rainbow.

Birthday camp out and party

After our trip to Galena, Kansas on Friday of Squirt's birthday celebration. We headed out to the lake for a camp out. Squirt and I got the tent set up and went swimming, had dinner and went swimming again. He did ok sleeping in the tent. He's an active sleeper though. I woke up several times in the night, once to a knee in my face, the next to a butt, even an elbow if I remember right.
We woke up the next morning, went to Grandma's for breakfast and to finish the homemade ice cream. We set up to grill burgers and hot dogs for the party.

Great Aunt Caroline and Great Uncle Dan helped out on the cake for the fourth year!
They really do an awesome job.

I missed it but they told Squirt to pull the worm out of the catfish's mouth. When he did he found a half eaten gummy worm. His mind rolled, I did catch the last part of his expression before everyone chuckled. Everything on the cake is edible.
He had a great time for his birthday.

Mater and Red

I took Friday during the week of Squirt's birthday off so we could REALLY celebrate. We loaded up fairly early and head out to Kansas. I'd heard in Galena on Route 66 we could find the real life Mator and Red. Before the movie was made the creator of CARS traveled Route 66 in Galena they found their inspiration for Towmator and Red. You can find more information about where we went at 4 Women on the Route .
We made pretty good time and Squirt was excited to see where Mater lived.

You can actually crawl into Mater and get your picture taken. Because of copyright despite this being the original inspiration for Mater, they had to rename him. A contest ensued and the winning name was Towtator.
You can also get your picture taken on Red.

I got Squirt his first camera. He's still obviously learning how to point and shoot and it's just a cheap point and shoot at that. He doesn't do to bad though. He sure thought it was neat. Think I'll make a shutterbug out of him yet.

He really thought it was funny to take a picture of momma taking a picture of him.

We took "Lightening McQueen's Road" most of the way back home. Even stopped at a bridge to take a few more pictures. It took a bit of convincing to get him to sit on the road for the last shot.

Yeah.... I know

I'm behind again!! I'm enjoying the summer with Squirt though! Almost a month ago was Squirt's big birthday bash! Our church's VBS was scheduled the same week as his birthday so he got to start celebrating there. He did pretty good at VBS this year. He came home tired every night, nearly crashing before I could get him showered and to bed. He always came home with a dirty face too. Either cookie/cake crumbs around the corners of his mouth or with part of crafts somehow on his face. Good thing they were washable markers!!!
It was pretty hot that week too. The majority of VBS was held in our youth center, the gym portion is not air conditioned. I'm sure this played a major role on the kids' attitudes and temperments. All in all I think it was a good week for the church.