Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another 15 inches of snow today!

I'm sooo over the snow! 3 feet in a weeks time, getting stuck twice in two weeks and two short paychecks... I'm done!!!!! BRING ON SPRING! SOON! 
As I was shoveling my driveway this morning it was still snowing. I kept telling myself I'd stay on top of the snow before it got too deep and shovel while it was light and powdery and not heavy. I also kept telling myself it'll be 60 in a few days... no really in a few days they are saying 60 degree weather!!!! I'm READY!
I haven't had the hard to look back outside and see how much has piled on top of water I have shoveled off.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Weight Loss Challenge: Week 3

I made it to the gym yesterday after work. I was able to put in 3.25 miles in 38 minutes burning 553 calories. I also did quick reps for tri's with free weights before headed to get my boy.
I was truly hoping he would make it to school today but they called it off for the sixth straight day late yesterday evening. With another snow storm moving in tonight and tomorrow, it doesn't look like he'll have school this week at all.
As of right now the Rec Center is holding Zumba this evening and sure hope so!
I need to move and sweat as much as possible after being stuck inside during the last storm.
This next one seems to be a doozy too but I'm hoping to be stocked strong in the good stuff and have gotten rid of the bad stuff!
Get the temptations out of the house now!!!
The Spark People posted foods that boost energy a couple of days ago!
Do you have these in good supply?
  1. Whole wheat pasta
  2. Oatmeal
  3. Fruit smoothies made with low-fat yogurt
  4. Peanut butter
  5. Dried fruit (apricots, cranberries, raisins, figs)
  6. Yams
  7. Beans
  8. Apples
  9. Carrots
  10. Chickpeas

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weight Loss Challenge: Week 3 and some snow photos!

I HATE SNOW! Ok so I don't hate snow, I hate being trapped. It's not very diet friendly!
I hope everyone else has done better than I have! I loved spending quality time with Squirt, but it seemed all I did was EAT! I guess nearly 2 feet of snow at once will do that to you. I was literally stuck at my house for a few days. I don't think I stayed that long AT my house consistently since my son was born. That's rough for me. I'm the go, go, go kind of person, always seeming to go and doing something!
I know I didn't do well on water intake either! But today the sun is trying to poke through. I got to the gym twice in the week. I'm hoping for a new round today and hoping that I can get back on track. Yesterday I was able to complete Week 6 Day 1 of Couch to 10K. 6.25 miles 1100 calories in 73 minutes!!!! That's my furthest distance and the first time I completed 10K!
I hope I can improve on both my 5K and 10K times, now. I also did Tri's and Thighs!
On Friday I was able to slide into the gym as well literally as the snow was falling AGAIN! I did 5.1 miles in 60 minutes.
I'm hoping tomorrow night's Zumba is not canceled because I need another good sweat!

Here are some images of the FUN weather, we've had....

 Still snowing and already piling up!
 This SHOULD be a street. The tracks are pretty darned deep and it's still snowing!

Gathering up snow for snow ice cream.... we made chocolate.

Sunset on the ice ... the day after the snow!

Round two of the snow that fell on Saturday.

Round three is supposed to hit Wednesday!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Weight loss challenge - Do as I say.....

Holy crap! This snowmageden is kicking my tail in more ways than one!
I haven't been to the gym since Sunday :( The longest I've gone in a while without exercising and it sucks!
The snow hit Monday night/Tuesday morning here with blizzard conditions in a matter of less than 24 hours we had nearly 15 inches of snow with drifts as tall as 4-5 feet!!!!!
I couldn't make it out of my driveway. My house got a good scrubbing. I had all the laundry folded and put away, things reorganized, the kitchen and bathroom both scrubbed and my son's room cleaned!
I the horrible thing is I also ate, and I ate the wrong things! Do as I say! I tried to stay busy but in doing so my eating schedule went whack and I failed in the water department.
I wasn't a total couch potato and tried to stay busy though and I shoveled out my van so I did some exertion but not in the form of exercise. I NEVER thought I'd say this but I want to go for a good RUN!
I was able to join the land of the living today. My street is plowed and while everything is slicker than snot I'm able to get out and about at a snail's pace.
Tomorrow is a full day of work so I'm determined to get BACK on the diet plan TOMORROW and since I've already had  a few lax days... I can't splurge this weekend. The gym is open for the first time tomorrow so I'm hoping to hit it hard even if only for an hour!
I hope that everyone that's following me did a whole lot better than I have the last few days!