That's what Squirt calls these flowers. He was in soooo much trouble yesterday. I had to take him to work for the afternoon and he tested every limit and pushed every button. At one point he darted out the front door. We work out in the country and pretty far from the road so this wouldn't have been a HUGE deal most of the time as long as I was quick behind him. BUT, my boss had his baseball team coming and going! He went straight to bed after getting home and dinner over with.
I'm sure, when he was pushing your buttons yesterday, you didn't think so but he is sooooo cute. You can see how smart he is. The light in his eyes are on. I love how kids learn about the world. "Blow flowers" is adorable. My son is into everything all the time but I love how on fire he is about life. I take the good with the bad :o)