I started this blog a few weeks ago but didn't seem to finish.
A few weeks ago Mike and I loaded the kids for a drive.
It was something I needed, I had a rough week.

I love fall colors and they seemed to have peaked almost without me acknowledging recently.

The reds and oranges are my favorite.

I've struggled recently with the way things are going. I know to trust what is placed before me. But for someone that likes to know whats ahead and to likes to plan the next step, it's really hard for me. Sights like this help me. It makes me stop and realize just who is in control of my life! The same that creates these wonderful things in my world. The only the constant in life is change... God's fall colors reminds me that I just have to trust the changes he's making. I accept the change in colors and shedding of leaves without question, nearly without notice. I pray that I can learn to accept the changes He has in store for me in the same fashion.

This road is on the way to Mike's house. Though the colors aren't in peak on this particular stretch of road. It is a place in the road regardless of the time of year that just makes me want to stop and breathe. It makes me want to release whatever thoughts and worries are wondering around in my thick noggin and just breathe. I've pulled these images up several times in the last few weeks, just to get lost in them and stop what I'm doing and what I'm worrying about.

Mike took me down a few back roads which I hadn't traveled down to admire the colors.

There's a very large space of property near where I live that is dedicated to the survival of the Mustang breed. I've heard that these creatures are left to their own nature, with minimal human intevention. I've heard that this heard of hundreds and hundreds stem from Hildago. This one looks pretty gentle but has this bossy look about him.

My brother also got the first deer of the season that weekend of travels. So I loaded Squirt up to take a picture... Squirt didn't know quite what to think. I'm ready to taste the jerky though!
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