I read so many great blogs regularly. I'm sure I'll never get as many followers as some of them, I do lead a pretty boring life most of the time.
My grandmother had triple bypass surgery and mom parents have been over at the hospital with her. That left my brother to chore alone. Being the kind hearted sis that I am, I volunteered to help him out last night.
I think I should have thought that all the way through before volunteering though. It's MUDDY!!! Oh and it started to rain on us too.
He got hay fed and I made sure the cows didn't get in the hay patch. As we were finishing the sun peaked through the clouds and displayed a brilliant rainbow. My camera was back at the house safe from the mud, slop and rain.
I tried to rip through the pasture and get on the road back to the house before it disappeared. I didn't make it!
Even if I did make it I could hardly see it to get the camera focused.
My glasses got a tad dirty! Between the raindrops and the mud I really couldn't see.
It was worse when I took my glasses off. I seriously couldn't see to tell if my camera was in focus and focused on the focal point I wanted to show.
The sunset was pretty, I think..... I still couldn't see real well.

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