My poor baby's sick. I'm really lucky to have an awesome son who's been laid back and such a good son even from infancy. He's pretty healthy and really is rare that he gets sick. He started running fever last night. While it had went down to low grade early this morning he still had no appetite and wasn't drinking fluids. So I took him to the doctor's office where he didn't see his regular pedi but a doctor on call and it looks like strep. This was the lowest it's been all day but currently we're back up to 102! I'm having to bribe him to even get fluids down and he still won't eat. I hope he feels better soon!
EXIF - Rebel XTI; Manual Mode; 1/13 sec; F/5; 18-55mm kit lens at 28mm; ISO800One or yesterday.
I'll never pretend to understand wrestling. While I'll never discourage my son I hope that's the one sport I won't have to cheer him on in. But you do have to admit... they sure are flexible.
EXIF - Rebel XTI; Manual; 1/125; F/5; 55-25o lens at 79mm; ISO 1600