One of the pregnant cows behind my parent's house. She should have a baby in the next month or so.
Tonight's sunset behind the neighbor's junky backyard.
The wind was blowing all day! I understand it's supposed to get colder in the next few days. I do wish it would snow here. We had a minor ice storm that canceled school for three days just before Christmas. I say minor because the year before we had two MAJOR ice storms that killed electric for more than a week all over town, took out trees which took out cars and roofs. I had a generator to run the bare necessities for five days each storm. We were out of electric at work for more than a week. I hate the ice but do wish it would snow this season. Traditionally Oklahoma gets the most snow in February and March so there's still hope.
I went to church this morning, had fried chicken for lunch and then visited with my Grandma and Papa and an aunt and cousin. My papa still doesn't look good. Many in the family think he's had another stroke. They are talking wheel chairs, something that you can see depresses him. I haven't really seen strong lively light in papa's eyes since his collapse a year ago Christmas. I rememeber when his dad started fading like this. Great Papa faded fast and I'm saddened to think the same is happening to Papa.
Sorry to hear about Papa. It's hard when I notice the years taking their toll on my loved ones. I just try to get in as much time as I can, while I can.
ReplyDeleteAlso very sorry to hear about your papa.