Thursday, January 22, 2009

In the mail

I got a surprise in the mail. I don't subscribe to magazines, haven't in ages. If I did it would probably be some sort of photography magazine. But I found this in the mail box this morning. It had my name on it so it didn't get placed in the wrong box. Think someone is trying to tell me something? Perhaps they think I look like Eva Longoria. Awwwwww. That's so sweet. I KNOW no one dare tell me I need GLAMOUR in my life, I'm soooo. GLAMOUROUS as it is!


  1. Great idea for a photo of the Magazine and I think you and your little man both look glamorous in your profile photo!

  2. I hope it had some interesting articles. There are several photography magazine that you can subscribe to for free. I'll try to post the links on the list for everyone.
