I'm catching up the blog. Will tell about the great weekend next. I just love my roses. I wish I could plant more. I'm thinking of making room for another two bushes. We'll have to see how fundage goes though and how the the roses I have do. The last one is a hedge rose. It will grow as wide as it is tall, or is supposed to. It's great for property boundaries which was my intention in the location I planted it. It has a great citrus rose fragrance too!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Flowers for last Friday
I'm catching up the blog. Will tell about the great weekend next. I just love my roses. I wish I could plant more. I'm thinking of making room for another two bushes. We'll have to see how fundage goes though and how the the roses I have do. The last one is a hedge rose. It will grow as wide as it is tall, or is supposed to. It's great for property boundaries which was my intention in the location I planted it. It has a great citrus rose fragrance too!
Road trip Thursday for a bid
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Little League Softball & Baseball
So if you know anyone in the area that has kids playing, tell them to check out our site. Their favorite player may be there and if their not all they have to do is drop us an email and we will do our best to come to one of their games.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Lovers Bench
This set out in the greenest grass just before a cloud sprinkled on me. It just screamed lover's bench. It would be really nice to set out under the tree at sunset with my lover, his arms around my shoulders and stealing a kiss just as the sun dipped below the horizon. Dang that's mushy. Especially for someone who's last kiss has been long enough ago to be forgotten. It's still nice to dream I suppose and hope that someone will want to steal a smooch from me.
A long weekend
I had worked all week around my house to make sure it was clean and the lawn was mowed so that I could enjoy the weekend when it came along. Saturday we went to mom's to work in the yard. She tried to help but it didn't last very long. I mowed and "weeder weedered." My son helped papa fix the "weeder weeder" we wound up having to buy a new one but got a lot done.
I'm not sure what he was telling me in these shots but they musta been purty serious. I can just hear him "Whatcha talking 'bout Momma!"
We cooked some very nice burgers as well. I may have just been hungry but they really tasted good!
We went fishing Sunday after church. I asked my son where he was going to go fishing. In true family style just like his momma would he responded...."In the water!" Duh mom here's your sign.
He was fun to watch the fish were biting really good. I wish I would have taken time to get my camera out. I was enjoying watching, being mom and helping bait and such instead of being the photographer though. We caught a good mess of perch. We cleaned and froze them to save for a time when my mom can enjoy them as well.
Monday we went to my grandma's. There was A LOT of food. Ribs, smoked bologna, smoked brisket, beans, potatoe salad, fried tators, green salad, salads that I wouldn't eat but everyone else seemed to enjoy, bread, gosh I can't remember what all. Of course we can't forget the homemade ice cream, cobler and lemon cake. None of which I could touch till an hour after I had filled up on the BBQ.
My son always enjoys hanging with his cousin "Ach!" My son has a bit of an allergy and was sneezing off and on throughout the weekend. He had a sneezing fit on Ach's head just after Ach lifted him on his shoulders. Aunt Deanie tried to catch some of the sneezes!
I also had the opportunity this weekend to hang out with a friend again. I haven't dated in three years and I truely enjoy his company. I'm not sure where things might lead but at the very least I know I have a good friend. I'm open minded and hopeful that our friendship will grow. I know I have been guarded so in the past and am not the easiest person to get to know. I promised myself that I would work to change that and I hope it shows.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The lawn's mowed for another week
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Another rose
Monday, May 18, 2009
Didn't quite get to mowing the lawn
I came home from work to find my boy had already passed out. He didn't have a nap today and Uncle Bubba got home before I did. The two curled up for cartoons in Uncle Bubba's room and it didn't take long for him to give out. I thought at first that I would mow the lawn after putting him in his bed. I passed though. The smell of honeysuckle and limited life of the setting sun beckoned. I worked on some DOF this evening as I fought of the chiggers. I also did dishes, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned out the van and took out the trash. Maybe I'll get to the lawn tomorrow.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Busy weekend
This little guy found a bullfrog near the arena. Guess "Jeremiah" (I have no idea what the punk kid named him but that name seemed to fit for me) found the rain a welcome site. This kid carried around "Jeremiah" for a long time. I did see later in the night the punk empty handed. I can only assume Jeremiah some how escaped his grasp.
RERIDE! This kid, seriously that's all he is, got a reride after the bronc pretty much landed on its side in the mud. The kid was a 14 year old riding broncs with the big boys. He rode in his sisters memory. A year ago she was killed in a car crash. I took the reride but didn't make it to 8 seconds. The poor kid might have weighed 80 pounds caked in mud.
Today after church, lunch and a visit to my great grandma's, Squirt and I hit the park. We had a good time and it's hard to believe it's ready to start the work week again.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Squirt quickly found someone he knew. The two go to church together and while the friend is older than Squirt, they both interact really well together. Both area a bit ornery as they try to knock each other's hat off with their own hat.
How those blue eyes not break your heart! I'm in BIG trouble!!
Looks like maybe I get to go to another rodeo next weekend ;) Hope so!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Come on out to play!!!
I found this guy in the middle of the road. I turned around to pick him up to take to my son. Maybe we'll be able to compete in the turtle races at the library in a few weeks! I'm beginning to wonder if the poor thing's not blind or something. I'm far from a turtle expert!
Tomorrow is my Friday and payday. I'm ready for the weekend just kinda wish I had more exciting things to do. I actually don't have anything going on this weekend. Maybe mom and dad will babysit again. hmmmmmm. lol Then what? I have such an exciting life!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Nope. He had to be scraggly around the ears in need of a haircut, no shower and in his pjs.
I loved the light though!
I played around with some post processing/saturation/actions.
Above. Only processing was a tad sharpening. Slight white balance and from RAW to JPG
Pioneer Woman fresh and colorful action.
Monsoon day..... 12? 14?
I think it's rained at some point for the last two weeks or more. At least it has slowed down enough to allow it to run off/soak in.
I was able to mow the yard last night, and I got it done, push mowing in an hour flat. How's that for a workout!
Coming back from lunch today and after a brief rain I stopped along the side of the road to take a picture of these wild roses?? They look much prettier from a distance loading down the bush. If you look closely you can see the rain drops left from the fresh rain storm.
Tomorrow is hump day and leaves me one other day of work for the week. I'm looking forward to the weekend though I'm not sure why. I don't have anything to do but clean!
The rodeo is this weekend in Pryor. Maybe I can find someone to take me to the rodeo. I haven't been in a while. That could be fun and the weather is supposed to improve. There's one day of Sunshine forcasted for the weekend.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
State track and my week!
This week has been really a trying one for me personally. I’ve been single for 3 ½ years. I’d always imagined that at this stage in my life I would have been married with a great family and kids.
I have a wonderful son and wouldn’t trade any of the events that brought him into my life for anything. And while being a single mom over the last few years hasn’t been all bad, it does get lonely at times. I’ve prayed and tried my best to be patient, knowing and reminding myself that someone will come in my life, the right person at the right time.
This last week started a bit off kilter and just went downhill making me a bit depressed. I started the week of with a sort of blind lunch date that left me uncomfortable and with the knowledge that I didn’t want to pursue much past a friendship. I know that he wanted to but as the Monday grew on and the week too, I could never get comfortable with the idea of pursuing much else. He seemed like a nice guy but I knew that we wouldn’t be a match but with the lingering doubt in the back of my mind thinking will someone ever cross my path that will intrigue me enough to open my life to them. I know I’m not the easiest person to get to know. My history has caused me to be cautious. I know that being a single mom and wanting to protect my son at any cost has also left me overly cautious.
By Friday I just wanted to curl up for the weekend but knowing I’d just wallow if I did. I went out with a friend. I had the best time I’ve had in a long time. I’ve hung out with this guy a few times. I’ve known his parents for quite some time. None of our lives are perfect and I know he’s struggling with a bit of personal drama. Some of which I can provide a little knowledge of personal experience.
We had a good time. Started with dinner then intended to play a little hold ‘em. The tournament we intended to play in had been discontinued sometime in the past. That cancelation lead to a good movie the Haunting in Connecticut. After the movie we hit a local bar and enjoyed sitting in an outdoor atmosphere watching the clouds and lightening pass over around us.
I’ve not been on a date ever where the date didn’t at least seem to attempt a good night kiss. Each time I’ve gone out with this friend the evenings always end the same, we both appear to have a good time and the closest to a kiss has been a hug. I’m not sure how to take that.
He called to make sure I made it home and we had lunch the next day as I had to be in the area where he lived because of a state track meet.
I’m not sure what will become of anything. We may just grow to be closer friends with similar situations. But at the very least, my date this weekend was a first in a long time that has given me hope that someone will come in my life him or whomever else. I just have to continue to be patient.
I will hold out moderate hope that he will continue to stay in touch and that we can go out again.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hope it stops raining soon!
I get to get my hair did on Friday and looks like I get a sitter, a night with adults!!!!!!!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
May day floods!
The first time I drove up my grandparents road this is what I saw. The black dodge is what essentially got a rescue boat to them. Dad said when he first got there the water was up to the mirrors. It is still raining in this photo and the water is moving really fast. It washed out many parts of the road. You can see the water is right up under the mailboxes and the further one has grass under it where the water rushed through.
The little yellow house on the left is my grandparents rent house. It was their first house when they moved into the country and my great papa lived there. It is two bedroom one bath. My grandparents house is just beyond the yellow house.
You can kind of see how fast the water is moving and how high it got. This is a typical fence and only the top few strands are above water. Typically there is NO water here. It normally is a dry creek bed where cattle graze.
This is my mail box. The water was over my road and I've not seen that happen before. My poor flower bed!
It did seem to go down fast in town this morning, but it left quite the mess.