I finally decided where to plant this rose and got it planted Sunday evening. I'd still like to get a few more bushes but we'll see. I'm starting to fight the funguside that roses tend to get worse with heavy rains.
The recent winds before storms blew a big ole branch out of the tree in the back yard. Bubba came over and helped me haul it off and put a few things up in my attic. I feel a bit more productive at home this week. Last night I was able to clean the kitchen, do dishes, take out the trash and clean out the van. This evening I did a load of laundry, scrubbed the bathroom and vacumed the living room. I just have to finish the laundry now and clean the bedrooms. Oh and mow the yard.
I have a sitter Friday night and hope to be able to get out for a while.
If I'm able to continue with my productiveness at home I won't have much to do and will be able to enjoy the weekend. I get a four day weekend this weekend.
It would be nice to find some time this weekend to go fishing. We'll have to see I suppose.
I had a dream the other night that I was fishing in the middle of the night and everything was quiet and peaceful and I slept under the stars.
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