I think it's rained at some point for the last two weeks or more. At least it has slowed down enough to allow it to run off/soak in.
I was able to mow the yard last night, and I got it done, push mowing in an hour flat. How's that for a workout!
Coming back from lunch today and after a brief rain I stopped along the side of the road to take a picture of these wild roses?? They look much prettier from a distance loading down the bush. If you look closely you can see the rain drops left from the fresh rain storm.
Tomorrow is hump day and leaves me one other day of work for the week. I'm looking forward to the weekend though I'm not sure why. I don't have anything to do but clean!
The rodeo is this weekend in Pryor. Maybe I can find someone to take me to the rodeo. I haven't been in a while. That could be fun and the weather is supposed to improve. There's one day of Sunshine forcasted for the weekend.
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