Monday, January 24, 2011

A new year and new resolutions/goals

A new year and I'm only 21 days behind in blogging already.
Wait! What? Dang 24 days! The month is already gone.
I'm not one to set resolutions because they seem so easy to lay aside. I have set new goals for the year. I've actually posted a few where I see them every day.
Last year I started down a path for a healthier lifestyle and in living that new lifestyle to loose 100 pounds. I'm 63 pounds gone and am working to loose the other 47 and then some. I know what to be at a goal weight of 165-170.
Last year I completed 8 5K races. I started by following the couch to 5K program (C25K). I started running in the HOTTEST part of the year and I didn't much enjoy it. I REFUSED to let it go though. I knew so many other people were able to do this and so could I!
I finished my first race in September in under 44 minutes and my fastest time was around 36 minutes.
This year I want to finish 16 5K races. I'm also "retraining" with Couch to 10K (C210K). I'm currently up to 5.1 miles in right at an hour. I just need to add another 1.1 miles to reach that 10K goal for a race. I would really like to finish in at or under 75 minutes.
My mom got me a gift certificate to the local gym and my grandma gave me cash. So I paid up through April and fully intend to make good use of my money spent. I need to hit the gym three times a week to make my money spent worth it!
So my other goal is to at least hit the gym 3 times a week and hopefully as much as 5 times a week.
I hired a trainer for two sessions to show me how to work a couple of target muscle groups. I'm definitely feeling my muscles now! I just hope it's doing something!
It would be really nice not to feel I have to cover up when wearing a bathing suit and I still really want to water ski! I've never been able to get up on the skis.
So in all these new goals and previous accomplishments, I've discovered I really like Herbalife. I believe it's helped me loose my 63 pounds! I've become a distributor, like really need much more to take over and work on with being a single mom, working full time and a few part time jobs, I have all the time in the world.
Anyway if you're interested I can help you learn how to loose weight and introduce you to some great products.
A few of us started a weight loss challenge last Saturday with a cash prize incentive. Anyone else wanting to join has one week to do so. I just need you to contact me for details and weigh in before Saturday!
A blog post just isn't as interested without photos so this is what I've been up to:

 I wasn't a huge fan of shooting from above. My aversion to heights didn't agree with it.

 I think this has to be one of my favorites from the Pryor Invitational Tournament
More shots from the week of basketball featuring Pryor, Adair, Vinita, Sequoyah, Glenpool, Berryhill and Collinsville basetball teams are uploaded to

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