Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Weight Loss Challenge: Week 1 - My log Wednesday

Spark People has a wealth of information. This morning they sent me tips on how not to crash your diet at the salad bar... hmmm salad bar, it's all got to be healthy right?
Here's some of what they suggested:

Use a smaller plate and limit the number of trips to the salad bar. I use the smaller plate tip at home. I tend to want to "fill" the plate then feel I need to finish it all. Smaller plate = less food!

They also suggest starting with the green leafy veggies then other veggies offered.

Protein from the salad bar comes in the form of beans, lean meat, turkey.

Keep the high fat stuff to a minimum - you know the good stuff: pasta salad, potato salad, macaroni salad and even the coleslaw.

The salad toppers can also get you. Do you really need all the croutons, bacon & cheese? I know that's the best part but are the calories/fat worth it?

And now for the dressing.... 2 tsp of light dressing is a serving! Try this tip next time. Don't put the dressing ON the salad, place it ON the side. Dip your fork in the dressing then load it with salad. You still get the dressing taste without consuming a large portion.

You can find the remainder of the Spark People article here.

Another tip (and you'll see why when you read my log for the day) Eating Out
When you go to a restaurant the first thing you should ask for when you get your food is a to go box. Yep, I said first thing! Restaurants serve you at least TWICE what the serving should be! Get the other serving out of sight... Out of sight out of mind! Eat what's left in front of you, wait 15 minutes then decide if you REALLY need the other portion. It takes a while for your stomach to tell your brain that you are full. Then take the other serving home for dinner or lunch the next day!

So this is my day for Wednesday:
Breakfast: Wild Berry Herbalife Shake
Morning Snack: Banana and peanut butter. I told you I was boring for morning snack. You can also have apple and peanut butter or yogurt.

Lunch: Rib Crib
Why yes, I followed the above tip! I ordered water no lemon, smoked chicken with a side salad (dressing on the side) and corn NO BUTTER! I had to order it like that as well or they would have soaked the corn in butter. It was still good without any!

Afternoon/Evening snacks
Couple handful of almonds
Cup of 1% milk
Herbalife Delux Protein Bar

Dinner: Wild Berry Herbalife Shake

After workout snack: Egg Sandwhich and Kellog K20 drink

Tonight I ran my furthest distance 5.6 miles in 68 minutes. A 10K, my goal is 6.2 miles! I hope to be back at the gym Friday before shooting the basketball game.

Also in the interest of logging the stats more for me than anyone else, here is my measurements from my coach last night.

38.5 Bust
42.5 Chest
35 Waist
46.5 Hips
11.5 Right Arm
11.5 Left Arm
21 Right Leg
22 Left Leg

I hadn't measured in a few weeks and my weight wasn't dropping on the scale as quickly as it has in the past.
I attributed the stubborn scale to two things. 1 - I am working out on average of 4 days a week and doing strength training in addition to cardio.2 - I wasn't eating enough! Yes I said enough!
I never thought I'd have that problem, but I do! I've been struggling for a while. My bathroom scales tonight said 215.8.

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