Monday, May 3, 2010

Roasting Marshmallows

We actually had some rain this weekend. We needed it, but it did rain on our family get together. I had a pretty busy weekend that started with a portrait shoot Friday night. Saturday morning I got up to shoot a track meet. My cousin qualified for state in the high jump! After I met up with Squirt and the rest of the big family for a get together and dinner. We tend to get together and eat and catch up once a month. With 20+ cousins and soon-to-be 10 great-grandkids, its hard to keep up. Not everyone can make it every time but we try. After dinner Squirt enjoyed helping Papa roast marshmallows.
He worked cattle a lot of the day with Papa, then played hard with cousins, and then got sugared up on roasted marshmallows. Did I mention he didn't have much of a nap ALL day... 20 minutes tops!!
I washed the marshmallows from his face and hands and oh behind his ears before loading him up to take him home. He was tired and cranky and wanted to stay with Papa. He wined for Grandma and Papa for a few miles as he got quieter and quieter. He almost made it half way home before crashing!!!

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