Saturday, January 31, 2009

My poor baby

My poor baby's sick. I'm really lucky to have an awesome son who's been laid back and such a good son even from infancy. He's pretty healthy and really is rare that he gets sick. He started running fever last night. While it had went down to low grade early this morning he still had no appetite and wasn't drinking fluids. So I took him to the doctor's office where he didn't see his regular pedi but a doctor on call and it looks like strep. This was the lowest it's been all day but currently we're back up to 102! I'm having to bribe him to even get fluids down and he still won't eat. I hope he feels better soon!
EXIF - Rebel XTI; Manual Mode; 1/13 sec; F/5; 18-55mm kit lens at 28mm; ISO800

One or yesterday.

I'll never pretend to understand wrestling. While I'll never discourage my son I hope that's the one sport I won't have to cheer him on in. But you do have to admit... they sure are flexible.
EXIF - Rebel XTI; Manual; 1/125; F/5; 55-25o lens at 79mm; ISO 1600

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I don't golf!

I don't golf but my boss sometimes does. I was sitting at his desk on speaker with an IT for the new server. Looked up at his desk shelf and thought hmmmm, there's my photo of the day!
The snow, what little there was, did stick around long enough for my son bundle up in overalls that were two feet too long and play in it. We didn't stay out long because it was cold but he had fun chasing my and my brother.
Tomorrow would normally be my friday but because i hadmost of yesterday off work and was short an hour today I'll have to work Friday :(

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More chilling images

It started freezing rain yesterday around nooon and didnt stop until late this afternoon. It even thundered this morning. Sometime between midnight and this morning the freezing rain turned to sleet. The later this evening, it did snow. I wanted lots of snow so I could play outside with my son and build his first snow man. It didn't snow enough for that and I'm afraid it won't stay around long. Maybe this won't be our only and last snow this year.

Cold and Icy

I took these last night. I hand held out my van's window at 1/8 of sec at 800 ISO F/stop 5.6 for the street lamp shot. F/5 for the stoplight and that was through my front windshield. Still cold and icy. I'll probably have more pics later.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Behind and still busy!

I'm behind, I knew I'd get that way and not be able to post daily. Last week was a tournament locally. I had basically 4 games every night for five out of seven nights! I'm sick of basketball. I can only pray that it will pay off when people start to buy!!!! Please people BUY!!!

The one above and below is what happens when competing newspapers are on the same end of the court! The flash of his camera came into my shots. Least I know my flash is in his too!

I spent way too much money this weekend too! I got my taxes done and spent much of my return. I've never had matching furniture till yesterday! I got a reclining loveseat, reclining couch and rocker recliner!!! Yes everywhere I sit I can be lazy and recline! My son tested out the furniture last night.
I also bought some camera equipment. I bought a 55-250 canon lens, a flash bracket and canon flash cord. I had no red eyes to speak of at the basketball game Saturday night!! YEAH!!! Less time editing.
We're supposed to get ice tonight. I want snow not ice!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

In the mail

I got a surprise in the mail. I don't subscribe to magazines, haven't in ages. If I did it would probably be some sort of photography magazine. But I found this in the mail box this morning. It had my name on it so it didn't get placed in the wrong box. Think someone is trying to tell me something? Perhaps they think I look like Eva Longoria. Awwwwww. That's so sweet. I KNOW no one dare tell me I need GLAMOUR in my life, I'm soooo. GLAMOUROUS as it is!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Go Team!

There's absolutely no way my parents would have let me do anything close to this in high school, nor would I have wanted. Don't get me wrong I was all about team spirit, but that stopped short of painting anything more than a small paw print on my cheek.

The little guy I'm guessing to be someone's little brother, just trying to be big like the others! In reality he was probably an annoying little turkey that would tattle if big brother/sister didn't do what he wanted. Can you tell I'm the older child?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Motherhood is beautiful

Motherhood is definately the most beautiful part of nature. My cousin has always been photogenic and she's beautiful pregnant. Portraits are my most challenging aspect of photography and something I really desire to improve and learn. I took the light set over to her house Sunday and we played around. They didn't turn out exactly as I had hoped but it was a learning experience for me and she's family!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Clay pigeons, faded, cracked and never slung. These were laying in the front yard. These would have never lasted this long just laying around before. My brother and I used to go through them pretty fast, but we've both been busy!

While I had full intentions of coming to the blog this evening to post my maternity shots from today, I haven't gotten them edited yet. I figured I'd cheat tomorrow or later in the week with those shots after I've had a chance to process them. The shoot wasn't a roaring success, but a learning experience with some nice shots.
Our goal is to offer portraits by summer, so the more practice we can get in with family and friends the better, we'll become.
Hope everyone had a good weekend and has a great week!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

More ball

I promise to post something other than basketball tomorrow. Tonight was my second homecoming in as many nights and fourth night of basketball this week! Monday starts another tournament so I'll be busy next week too.
If it looks like the photorapher is about to get plowed, it's because I did get about plowed, several times tonight. The gym I was in tonight is one of the most cramped for space in the county.

Tomorrow though, I get to play with background and lights when I take my cousin's maternity pictures!

Friday, January 16, 2009


I'm beggin for a better day tomorrow. I had to go into work on my day off and my hair appointment got canceled, which worked out since I had to go into work on my day off errrr!!!

The grocery shopping isn't done, my house isn't cleaned and my son only just now has stayed in bed, at least I hope he doesn't get back up.
Went to a basketball game tonight. The refs were worse than usual getting in my shots BEGGIN to get their picture taken. I know the lighting sucks and he noise is aweful but I needed something to post and this guy seriously was BEGGIN to have his picture taken. I think I got his better side! HAHA

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It snowed

But only a little! Just enough to dust the front of the HHR!

Off to bed. I get t sleep in tomorrow!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How do you.....

Eat your Reeses??
This was a quick snack for me today. I don't have anything to cover tonight so plan to enjoy my son till I crash, I'm guessing around 9!
Happy Hump Day!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another Day

I hate to post two sunsets in one week, but Oklahoma sunsets are so colorful!
Plus after 10 hours in the office and two basketball games it was either another sunset or another basketball shot. I had to keep stats to write a story and take pictures tonight. I hate doing both because I can't concentrate on both. My shot's tonight are as good as I would have liked. I've already finished my story too. I might get in bed before midnight! Thank GOD for grandparents, Squirt is staying the night with Papa and Grandma. He was asleep when the game was over so I just left him where he was. I'm so glad my parents are supportive. I wouldn't be able to do what I do and be a single mom without them! The week's half over for me, two days done two to go at my full time job anyway. I have one wrestling match, two basketball homecomings and a maternity portrait session to finish out the week though. I've never even been to a wrestling match before, let alone try and get results and photograph it so that should be interesting. It will also be my first shoot with lights and first maternity shoot ever! OK... Gotta get some sleep!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ball head

More basketball this week! Tonight, Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday!
Some of the shots that just happen entertain me. Then add in their faces when they shoot and I just have to laugh.
It was a typical Monday around here. I had my son at work for a while this afternoon and he didn't cause total caous.
I'm watching The Bachelor while reviewing some of my images from tonight. I'm still amazed at these women who think after two days in a situation where one man is dating 15 women, they have a "relationship" and they are "growing in that relationship." Course I'm saying that, yet I'm still watching, shaking my head and laughing. Thank GOD I don't have that kind of drama in my life. I've been a single mom for three years and while I would really like a good man in my life most of the time, I kinda like not having a moody man in my life when everyone else is complaining about their PMS'n man!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Another cold Sunday!

One of the pregnant cows behind my parent's house. She should have a baby in the next month or so.

Tonight's sunset behind the neighbor's junky backyard.

The wind was blowing all day! I understand it's supposed to get colder in the next few days. I do wish it would snow here. We had a minor ice storm that canceled school for three days just before Christmas. I say minor because the year before we had two MAJOR ice storms that killed electric for more than a week all over town, took out trees which took out cars and roofs. I had a generator to run the bare necessities for five days each storm. We were out of electric at work for more than a week. I hate the ice but do wish it would snow this season. Traditionally Oklahoma gets the most snow in February and March so there's still hope.
I went to church this morning, had fried chicken for lunch and then visited with my Grandma and Papa and an aunt and cousin. My papa still doesn't look good. Many in the family think he's had another stroke. They are talking wheel chairs, something that you can see depresses him. I haven't really seen strong lively light in papa's eyes since his collapse a year ago Christmas. I rememeber when his dad started fading like this. Great Papa faded fast and I'm saddened to think the same is happening to Papa.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


My mom and I made a double batch of chocolet chip cookies before more basketball today.

My son didn't think the camera was working cause I didn't flash him

My son has learned the decadance of the dunk!

My house stil isn't clean and I only have one more day for the weekend. I was hoping to set up the light set at my house and practice more before my cousin's maternity shoot next weekend but that hasn't happened yet either.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Non Baskeball, Basketball

I am covering basketball tonight. A high school tournament. The first game I photographed had lots of fouls and times of non action. So I took these. I hardly ever drink Dr. Peper but that's pretty much all the had. The other of my big ole shit kickers aka boots.
In other life news... It was a year ago Christmas my papa collapsed with a heart attack and anyrism. While he has come quite a ways in his and we have apprciated the extra time we have been blessed with. But it appears he has taken a turn for the worse. We will know more the first of the week.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm either bored or crazy

I'm either bored or crazy to start another page. I mean I've got a blog on Myspace, which has become less frequent in posting, and Facebook. Oh and there's this little web page that has grown faster than we've imagined and I pray everyday that it continues to grow by leaps and bounds. So I started this. I'm not sure why. I'm either bored or crazy. In a internet web group several members have started 365 photography blogs. I know better than to start that, there's not enough time in the day when I work 10 hours, try to be the best mom I can when I'm not working and freelance to make ends meet.

I'll work at figuring all this out and customizing. Maybe I'll catch on quick.

The photo above, in an effort of sorta following the group's lead of 365, is of a waterfall. It has been cold enough at night to freeze but warm enough during the day for water to actually continue to flow. I'm not sure if they might have had a heater on the water too or not. I found a cool action and was playing with the filmstrip border.