Monday, July 6, 2009

Fireworks Friday night!

My cousin shot off fireworks Friday night. I set up my tripod and tried my luck at capturing some of the images.

My brother helped set some of them off. They had A LOT!

I liked the ghost effect!

This one was just before I got hit in the eye! Yep! One firework malfunctioned and I was hit in the eye! It still looks pretty gross but seems to be healing well. It burned right up next to the bridge of my nose. I was sitting in a chair a good safe distance away but didn't have much time to react. I quickly removed my contact and within 20 minutes or so I could feel the burning so Squirt and I didn't stay for a lot of the show. I haven't worn my contacts since Friday and it feels funny wearing glasses. I'll be ready to have my contacts back!

Guess I've been pretty lucky in the last six weeks. Rolled the four wheeler with my son and neither one of us was hurt. I get hit in the eye with a fireworks with only a minor burn. Why can't I get the right lottery numbers?

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