Sunday, January 10, 2010

50 mm fun

My brother bought me a gift card to a local camera store and so did my mom and dad. I went in the store with my list of wants a mile long, knowing full well I couldn't make a dent in the list with the budget I had. I also thought I would get asked to leave drooling over a new camera and studio lighting. I've been buying from this store for the last ten years. I think I have the same salesman everytime I go in there. I toyed with waiting until after my tax return to make my purchase and let my gift cards add to the return. I also toiled with trying to buy lighting equiptment and paying the difference out of my measly savings account but really didn't want to do that either. I wanted to test out a new lens for a while now. While my budget is far from the 2.8 zoom lens I've ohh so wanted for a while, I could afford a fixed lens with a low aperture. So, I plumped down my $5 cold hard cash and my two gift certificates for my new lens!

My first few images with the 50mm 1.8 Canon lens.... toys are the Princess's exersauser.

Before texture.....

With texture added.

1 comment:

  1. The 50 is fabulous, isn't it? Incredible shots...and I would never have known it was an exersaucer if you hadn't said anything.
