Wednesday, April 8, 2009

12 days

When took this on Monday it had been 12 days this "friend" had laid unused. I'm still going though fighing cravings, especially emotionally stressful days like today. I've been pretty much a social smoker off and one. At one time I quit for over a year. I started up again when my uncle was murdered. I know it's weak but the emotions of loosing a friend and my uncle in such a heinous way and worrying about my dad either having a heart attack or trying to kill someone himself was too much.


  1. Keep going... It will be worth it :)

  2. Don't give up. You can do it. It still makes me mad about all that happened 2 1/2 years ago.

  3. Way to go on your 12 days (and counting)! Don't give up. :-)

  4. My husband is coming up on his 3 year anniversary. He got hypnotized (sp?) and it worked like a charm. Keep up the good work. You'll never regret giving them up. Way to go :o)
