Saturday, March 7, 2009


This place is one of those really good, serve anything fried, all kinds of ice cream drive up and eat in your car or take home kinda place. You are definately "Pig N Out." With mom still off her feet and only a little time after chores and before bed, we all pitched in on super. I called our usual in but still had a few minutes to wait while our food cooked. These didn' turn out like I wanted. You really can't see the pig in overalls on the sign at the top. If I slowed the shutter down the lights would blow out in the picture. Speeding up the shutter didn't get enough of the darker parts. Night shots are hard for me anyway. Still have lots of room to learn and grow.
Don't forget to "Spring Forward!"

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling that is my kind of place. YUM!
    Nice photos of it too.
